Website Disclaimer
MedCarePlus, PLLC (MedCarePlus) delivers this website, domain name, according to the terms and conditions below. Please carefully review the details this disclaimer prior to using our site. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, do not continue using the site. MedCarePlus reserves the right to change all content within the site, including these terms and conditions, at any time. Your continued use of the website signifies your ongoing acceptance of these terms.
This website was created with the best information available, as a collaboration of the physicians, employees and agents of MedCarePlus. All content is presented without warranty of accuracy, quality or currency. The content herein does not necessarily reflect the opinions or recommendations of MedCarePlus.
Information Not Intended as Medical Advice
All content and graphics within the MedCarePlus site are provided for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical consultation or advice. For medical concerns, always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health professional familiar with your individual medical needs. Do not make treatment decisions based on the information contained in this site without specific consultation with your physician. Should you have a medical emergency, call 911.
Use of Content
The works of authorship, images and graphics included in the MedCarePlus website, including this Agreement, are owned or licensed by MedCarePlus and its affiliates. The content, in its entirety, is for personal use only and may not be copied, displayed, distributed or modified without prior written approval from MedCarePlus. This includes but is not limited to all text, graphics and photos, as well as html codes. The content of this site may not be used for unlawful purposes.
The information supplied in the MedCarePlus website is considered free and “as is” for general information only. MedCarePlus does not make any express or implied warranties regarding the content or site as a whole. To the fullest extent permitted by law, MedCarePlus disclaims all warranties of accuracy, completeness, currency, reliability, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement and all other express or implied warranties.
You agree to assume all risk and responsibility of using this site and the information within, including but not limited to damages to your computer from viruses. MedCarePlus assumes no risk regarding your use of or failure to use the information supplied. MedCarePlus does not guarantee the information on this site and assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in content or graphics.
User Submissions
You acknowledge that any information you submit through this site may be monitored to ensure appropriateness or viewed by MedCarePlus employees, agents and those who maintain the site. As such, you agree not to hold MedCarePlus liable for any damages you incur as a result of the information you transmit through the site.
Health information submitted for purposes of scheduling an appointment will be used with that intent only. You are responsible for all information you submit through this site.
Further, by using this site you agree that you will not transmit any information that is illegal or in direct or indirect violation of another’s rights. Information that is profane or obscene, discriminatory, ethnically or racially offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory or constitutes a crime in any way will be refused and legal action will be taken.
Links to Other Sites
Links to third party sites may be contained within the MedCarePlus site. These links are provided for reference or convenience only and do not imply MedCarePlus’s endorsement of those sites’ specific content. MedCarePlus bears no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on linked sites. Linking to those sites is at your own risk. Please review the terms and conditions of those site prior to use.
MedCarePlus has no knowledge of other sites linking to MedCarePlus, nor is it responsible for any of the content on those sites.
These terms and conditions outline an agreement between you and MedCarePlus with respect to the use of the MedCarePlus site and all content within.
Thank you for complying with the terms of this agreement. Should you have any questions regarding the site please click here to contact us.