About department

MedCare specializes in providing fast lab testing through state-of-the-art technology to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions.

Onsite Lab Exams

We are equipped to do labs and give you quick results for strep tests, flu screens, urine drug screens, pregnancy tests and urine analysis.

Digital Prescription

Our digital electronic medical records allow us to send your prescription straight to the pharmacy, saving you time. This new system also reduces medication errors compared to handwritten prescriptions.

Laboratory services we provide on site:

  • EKG
  • Urine Pregnancy
  • Urinalysis for UTI
  • STD testing, including GC/Chlamydia
  • Rapid Influenza A &B testing, in 15 minutes
  • Rapid Strep testing, in 5 minutes
  • Rapid Mono screening, in 15 minutes
  • Blood draw on site